Tuesday, October 18, 2011

All Hallows Eve. . . Costume Time!

Halloween is just around the corner! It might have to do with my birthday being three days before Halloween, but it's one of my favorite times of the year!

The thing I've realized is that it's not really about the holiday or the candy, it's all about the costume. Every year I try and come up with the absolute best costume idea and every year I am dying to get creative! This year I'm super excited to be making my Chewbacca costume!

I love taking something well known and making it my own.

It's not going to be easy, but I'm attempting to make the furry Star Wars character cute and girly. So far I've patterned a hooded vest from super shaggy fur and I'm almost done sewing it. I might have to make a few adjustments along the way, but so far it's lookin' good! Can't wait to show you the finished product.

Love my Bernina. And, yes, that is a comb next to my shears. Sewing with shaggy fur can get messy.

Cheers to the creations of All Hallows Eve!

. Z .

Costumes from the past:
  • 2001 - The year of the Dead Cheerleader- complete with gory make-up (I was going through a wannabe punk-rocker stage)
  • 2006 - The year of Wonder Woman- strapless sweetheart top and mini circle skirt. HOT. (1st semester in fashion school)
  • 2008 - The year of the Sexy Dinosaur- complete with hot-pink patent pleather cuffs, spikes, and tail (along with help on 5 of my friend's costumes including a Darth Vader)

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