Monday, September 12, 2011

Game Day Rituals

Everybody has their own rituals. Including their own way of getting pumped for a big date, an interview, or a special occasion. 
Getting ready for your own "game day" means something different for everyone. 
Some people wear lucky underwear, or do their hair a special way. Maybe you take a candle-lit bath the night before or talk to yourself in the mirror before leaving home... For me, it's the nails. 
Since Junior High, when I went to my first school dance, I have always done my nails special the night before a big day. Once in a while, I'll go for a mani-pedi, but it's painting my own nails that really gets me excited for something big. Hey, it might just be green for St.Patty's Day, but it makes the day that much more exciting for me.
Sunday, I went to opening day for the San Diego Chargers. I'm not quite ready to be a major football fan, but sporting events are always a good time. Painting my nails blue with lightning bolts the night before helped me get pumped about the football game. 
And with the little interest in football that I have, my boyfriend was more than pleased to see me get so into it (and relieved that this isn't like my daily ritual of trying on an average of 3 outfits before leaving the house).
It's these little rituals that make everybody's "game day" that much more special for them. For me it just happens to be about fashion (duh!). Completely adorning my body with everything spirited for the occasion. In my playbook, matching nails make it all happen.

. Z .

Some famous Game Day Rituals:

  • The Dodgers play "Don't Stop Believing" by Journey between the top and bottom of the 8th inning
  • Michigan's Wolverines jump to touch their banner to "The Victors" played by the marching band
  • Virginia Tech's game entrance to "Enter Sandman" by Metallica
  • At Clemson University, players touch a rock (Howard's Rock) and sprint down a hill to start off a game

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